
Our goal is to manufacture excellent products that not only meet the customer requirements and fulfill all expectation, needs and wishes of our customers, but also are Inspiration of our customers!

Through our certified and integrated quality management system, we fulfill all facets of a modern management systems.
This concerns both the control of the company by means of structured and optimized processes as well as a process of continuous improvement of the organization achieved through the use of clear roles, responsibilities, rules and procedures.

At our company, quality stands for innovation, performance and precision!

By using the latest quality technologies and methods such as APQP and maturity validations, we are able to work together with our partners right from the start to effectively plan and launch projects.


We guarantee quality right from the word go

During the product development process, we also use simulation technologies such as FEM calculations, statistical design of experiments (DoE, ANOVA, Taguchi), Poka Yoke principles and feasibility studies (cmk, ppk, cpk). A comprehensive array of technical equipment allows us to carry out extensive dimensional and magnetic tests, as well as product validations in the environmental simulation, endurance test and technical cleanliness lab areas.


Interplay of quality and risk management

The risk management system that we have installed helps us reduce costs by preventing errors, as well as identify opportunities within the company. The digital emergency plan for each individual product prevents any significant damage from occurring.

During series production, effective inline tests and additional core tools enable the processes to be controlled efficiently. Our quality management system is effectively supported both organizationally and technically by the use of digital solutions such as modern QM software. This tool also allows suppliers to be directly integrated and offers interfaces to customers when required.


Utilizing synergies – preventing redundancies

The active use of methods such as “lesson learned”, requalification, the NTF and 8-D processes, as well as the active networking of all management systems (high-level structure), ensures a vibrant and continuous learning and improvement process in the company.


Compliance – transparency and integrity during work

Last but not least, the combination of this clear structuring, the installed management systems and a dedicated material compliance team guarantee legal certainty and compliance, which helps to foster trusting relationships with our partners.


quality management system - ISO 9001:2015
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Quality management system - IATF 16949
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